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The Nicholas Jennings Memorial Scholarship was established to honor the life of
Nicholas “Nick” Jennings who passed away in November 2004 at the age of 16 as
a result of an automobile accident.
Nick was a member of the Hollis Brookline High School Class of 2007. He is
remembered best for his vibrant personality that enabled him to bring a smile to
anyone’s face. He lived each day to the fullest and believed the best way to do
that was simply to have fun. He loved athletics and played lacrosse and football
but was very involved in supporting other athletic teams through his school spirit.
Nick also expressed his charisma through his artwork, improvisational and
musical abilities.
The scholarship will not necessarily be awarded to the student in the top
percentile of their class but to one who exemplifies Nick’s athletic involvement,
artistic abilities and his overall personality. This student should have a desire to
better themselves academically and to further their learning through continued
The scholarship fund currently provides a $1,000 scholarship to a graduating
senior who attends school in Hollis, Brookline, Nashua, Merrimack and Hudson.
To be eligible for this scholarship:
1) You must be a graduating senior attending one of the local public high schools
in one of the communities noted above.
2) You must have been accepted to an institution of higher learning.
3) You must have been involved in athletics and/or theatrical or musical arts.
Announcement of the award of this scholarship will be made at the Awards Night
in your community and the funds will be issued to the scholarship recipient and
the institution of higher learning in the form of a joint check.

Nicholas Jennings Memorial Scholarship Application
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Family Contact Information

High School Information

Please enter your guidance counselor's email address. This application will be submitted to your guidance counselor.
To be eligible for this scholarship: 1) You must be a graduating senior attending one of the local public high schools in one of the communities noted above. 2) You must have been accepted to an institution of higher learning. 3) You must have been involved in athletics and/or theatrical or musical arts.
If your records have been expunged pursuant to applicable law, you are not required to answer yes to the following questions. If you are unsure whether to answer yes, we strongly suggest that you answer yes and fully disclose all incidents to avoid any risk of disciplinary action or revocation of your offer of admission.

Extracurricular, Personal and Volunteer Activities

List your organizations, position, description of the activity, and hours per week of involvement.
List each, a description, the level, and number of years of involvement.
List the type of work, your role, and hours per week of involvement.
List the job, your title, description, hours per week, and dates of employment.
This section is the most important section. Please be clear and specific.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please provide the following with your application: a) One letter of recommendation from a teacher or counselor, b) One letter of recommendation from an adult (other than a teacher, counselor or relative.) This person could be a community leader, coach, employer, etc.


I certify that this information is complete and accurate. I understand that making false or fraudulent statements within this application disqualify me for this scholarship. If accepted for this scholarship, I agree to abide by the policies of this scholarship. Should any information change prior to my entry into the University, I will notify the Office of Admissions.
This scholarship is available to all without regard to race, color, marital status, sex, religion, national origin, disability, age, Vietnam or disabled veteran status as provided by law.

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